
【Article】 Thirty Two Women to Change Kigali Scene through Motorbike Cooperative

(The article was published in November 2009 by Rwanda Dispatch, national development magazine in Rwanda)

A total of 32 women are coming together to tackle their economic challenges and social impediments. Coming from various backgrounds such as street fruit vending and commercial sex work, and with only a secondary education, they have been struggling financially to support themselves and their families due to their marginalization during Rwanda’s rapid economic and social development. Depending on others and living from hand to mouth, their eyes tell a grim tale of bleak future prospects. However, the days of struggle may end soon. They have galvanized their strengths to form a cooperative group of women motorbike taxi drivers – the first of its kind in Rwanda.

【Article】Shifting from Poverty into Harmonization: Women as a Driving Force in Development and Conservation of Biodiversity

(The article was published in August 2009 by Rwanda Dispatch, government's development magazine in Rwanda)

Women, often seen as one of the most vulnerable groups in society, are not just recipients of development benefits. They are also active members in development activities and agents of change in their communities. In Musanze, their activities not only improve the lives of their families and local communities, they serve as a driving point to protect the area’s rich environment and biodiversity, and to make sure that mountain gorillas and other wildlife are safe and co-exist in peace with humans. The 209 million dollars in revenue in 2008 from ecotourism and gorilla trekking indicates that their contributions are critical to Rwanda’s growth and development.

【Article】Rwandese Baskets Play Vital Role as a Voice of Africa in the US Communities (publised by Rwanda Dispatch

(The article was published in September 2009 by Rwanda Dispatch, government's development magazine in Rwanda)

Women are vital players in developing Rwanda, both socially and economically. Traditional baskets woven by local Rwandese women help improve their lives and the well being of their communities. Now they are bringing hope and awareness to local communities across Atlantic Ocean.


2010年5月20日 - 来月6月は世界環境デー。今年の夏には、生物多様性を考える COP10 が名古屋で開催されます。2008年に、UNDP が気候変動に関する人間開発報告書を発行してから、環境への意識、気候変動に対する危機感が一揆に高まりました。あの頃は、洪水があれば、気候変動の影響。大雨が降れば、気候変動の影響。雨が少なく作物が育たなければ、地球温暖化。と、メディアを中心に世界が大騒ぎ。そのころと比べると、昨年の中ごろからかは世界の「騒ぎ」が小さくなったような気がします。